Can you
control how
you age?
Unlock your body's hidden health insights.

Early detection is the key to longevity
We believe early detection, education, and intervention will result in optimal health and happiness across generations.
Master your health
with precision testing
Shop Now
Diagnostic tests you can trust
Our biomarker diagnostic tests were developed and patented at prominent research institutions by leading scientists specializing in biomarker research.
Your journey towards better health
01 - Get your kit

All kits are available in retail stores and online.
02 - Collect Sample

Use the provided device to collect blood or stool sample home
03 - Ship it to us

Place the sample in the provided envelope and mail to lab.
04 - Check results

Results will be available online for easy viewing
05 - Learn more

Boost your score and improve your health with suggested products and programs
06 - Keep track

Retest every 6-12 months to track progress.
Take control of your health

Our cutting-edge tests provide accessible means to effectively detect a variety of diseases.

Early detection empowers you to understand and actively engage in disease prevention.
Improve quality of life

Take control of your well-being and pave the way for a healthier future.